How to Mitigate Summer Seasonal Depression

by May 30, 20232 comments

During the winter months, you wake up when it’s dark outside, and when it’s time to go home from work, it’s still dark outside. The little time the light is available during this time of the year, you’re stuck inside working.

The cold weather, the darkness, and the shorter sunny days can really take a toll on your overall mental health and wellness. It’s easy to feel a little sad during the winter months, and we’re not just talking about feeling down, gloomy, or upset. But what happens when these feelings occur during spring and summer? Shouldn’t the sunshine-y seasons help?

SAD, seasonal affective disorder or commonly called seasonal depression, can occur in all seasons. Let’s learn more about the ways that you can mitigate seasonal depression.

Let the Light In

Spending time in natural light can help boost your mood. If you can, try to spend as much time as you can outside. However, one of the things that may contribute to summer SAD is the heat. While some people enjoy baking in the sun, others can find the heat oppressive.

If you’re not fond of higher temperatures, you can still find benefits by letting light inside your home or office while enjoying the coolness of air conditioning. Keep your blinds open to let some natural light in.

Move Your Body

Exercise is proven to be beneficial for other forms of depression. The same can be said for seasonal depression. Try to get at least thirty minutes of exercise each day. This could be walking around your neighborhood, riding a bicycle, or rollerblading during the cooler hours of the day. If you can’t head outside, roll out a yoga mat and complete some yoga or meditation or do some bodyweight exercises. You can also hit up a gym or local studio for a workout or a class with a friend.

It’s worth noting that another reason people may feel down during the summer is due to body image. Summer is a time where everyone is prancing around in shorts and swimsuits. If you’re uncomfortable with your physical appearance, this can be a disheartening time. Exercise can help you feel more confident in your body, not only physically, but mentally. It helps you feel more in tune with your physical being. You can also try writing in a gratitude journal and start by noting all the things you’re grateful your body does for you.

Follow a Sleep Schedule

SAD can make it difficult to get on a normal sleep schedule and routine. It can make it more difficult for someone to fall asleep at night or wake up in the morning. For some people, the summer months come with a disruption in their usual schedule, especially if you have school-age children. Trying to stick to a sleep schedule and routine can help prevent the added effects of poor sleep.

You should be aiming for at least eight hours of sleep each night. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. Yes, this includes weekends. This can help your body adjust. Plus, you’ll be able to better plan to be awake and exposed to the light that is available during the day.

Seek Additional Support

Seeking additional support isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it shows how strong you actually are and how much you want to get better. Seasonal depression isn’t uncommon. You’re not alone if you’re experiencing some of the signs and symptoms of it.

There are things you can do on your end to help mitigate some of the effects of seasonal depression, but reaching out for additional support is encouraged, especially if the signs and symptoms that you’re experiencing don’t start to get better.

If you’re interested in learning more about coping with seasonal depression, reach out to us today to set up an appointment.

Click here for more information on depression therapy.