About Niyama Center

Ready to take charge of your mental health and feel better?

You’re tired of constantly feeling anxious… like you can’t catch a breath.

Anxiety is defining you, affecting your ability to communicate with others and maintain meaningful relationships in your life.

Continuous worry and doubt have ruled your life for longer than you can remember. It’s all you can focus on, and your head sometimes feels like it will explode.

Feeling angry, useless, broken, and disappointed in yourself for still feeling this way.

Navigating through your relationships and a solid foundation for your intimate relationships has been difficult.

We seem to have all the basics: youth, energy, health, and looks. But we often struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, grief and relationship issues because we are trying to figure ourselves out – it’s definitely not easy! Between moving out of your parents’ home, navigating through college, graduating from college, finding your career path, or getting settled in your job… becoming an adult is frickin’ hard.

Feeling like you are going through a twenty-something crisis with all the uncurtaining that lies ahead and asking yourself the deepest questions: “Why am I so anxious?”, “Why am I sad?”, “Why can’t I communicate my needs to others?”

You know you can’t go on like this anymore and need some support.

We see you, we hear you, we understand you, we want to help you.

An alternative approach to healing…

Our goal is to create a sacred, safe space where you can truly be yourself without any judgments or fear.

We will listen to you, give you practical feedback, and provide you a range of tools to use outside of sessions.

We want you to find your true self—to feel less anxious, depressed, happier, and calmer every day. After each session, you’ll walk out feeling more hopeful and confident about the direction you are headed.

We are ready to help you begin your wellness journey! 

How we help…

As a Therapist:

If you are feeling some anxiety, depression, relationship issues, grief or trauma, it led you here.

Therapy is not one size fits all. Everyone needs something different. We use different types of therapy specific to your needs.

We offer traditional, evidence-based talk therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for anxiety/depression, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) for emotional regulation to help regulate your emotions, Eye Movement desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) for trauma, Somatic Therapy, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for anxiety. CBT will help you identify errors in your thinking to adopt more helpful thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. We will teach you behavioral experiments and strategies that you can incorporate in your life to improve your day-to-day functioning.

We will help you address thoughts and behaviors while incorporating strategies for emotional regulation and mindfulness used from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. The type of help you are looking for when dealing with anxiety within interpersonal relationships. Whether it’s a lack of communication or learning how to assert yourself within your relationships, we have the skills to help you change. Teaching you how to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, regulate your emotions, to improve your relationship with others.

Instead of diving into your past (childhood), we will find real solutions to the current problems that you are facing.

Lastly, we will work with your on any PTSD/Trauma that may be affecting your current functioning using EMDR Therapy & somatic therapy.

If you are located in michigan and looking for CBT therapy in Michigan, EMDR therapy in Michigan, DBT therapy in Michigan, EFT in Michigan, Somatic Therapy in Michigan then we can help!

As a Yoga Teacher:

Anxiety and depression feel bad, a deep-seated feeling that something terrible is happening or about to happen. It sometimes makes us want to curl up and hide. Something bad is happening inside you – your body feels unresolved emotional energy and baggage stuck in your nervous system.

Consistent yoga practice allows us to release stored emotions through poses. For example, you may start to cry after a long hip-opening posture: your body is simply releasing that repressed emotion. We will intentionally work on releasing stored emotions to diminish any anxiety that comes up for you.

Each pose is flexible, so no experience is required. At Niyama, we will guide you through smooth movement and concentration to calm your body and mind.

Yoga will help you create new thought patterns, develop self-love, and return to the present moment when your mind wanders off into a fearful future. Yoga reduces stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, inducing what is known as a relaxation response. Once the relaxation response kicks in, people can stay with the tough feelings instead of ignoring them. Yoga will teach you awareness, so when that anxiety does coming knocking on the door, you can respond differently, make different choices and reduce your suffering. Having something to focus on, like a pose or your breath, can be settling.

As a Meditator:

Meditation isn’t about turning off thoughts or feelings. It’s training your brain to gain awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. Here we learn to observe your thoughts without judgment and understand them by utilizing your breath as an anchor. It’s about being present, resting in the here and now, and fully engaging in the moment in front of us.

Learning to meditate is similar to working out. It takes consistency and self-discipline to get your mind in shape. At Niyama, we will teach you what meditation is, how to meditate, and help you learn breathing techniques to guide you to find stillness within. Meditation is shown to impact your overall health and happiness positively. Let’s change your perspective and relationship with your thoughts through meditation.

Between meditation, yoga, and therapy:

We will learn what is behind your feelings and staying present even when you want to escape. Running from difficult emotions rarely works. Eventually, they catch up to you in all kinds of ways. These practices teach you the kind of acceptance you need to handle frightening, scary, and anxious situations.

There may be times you want to come out of a pose or sit in your own thoughts or talk about your feelings because it is uncomfortable or brings up difficult emotions. At Niyama, we take pride in teaching you how to use your breath, your feelings, and your current situation to strengthen you/ it is only temporary. You will learn how to become a container for your feelings and learn to sit with them as a cure, to accept them.

Here’s how we’ll get started…

Your first step is to call or schedule online with one of our therapists or wellness coaches. When we talk, we’ll learn more about you, ask some questions, and see how we can help. 

During your first session, we will chat and dig into the details of what brings you in. We’ll chat about all sorts of things going on in your life and gather your history so we can better understand you.

Then, we’ll establish goals for our time together to make sure you’re getting the most out of sessions. This will give us a sense of direction, ensure that you have a beautiful experience, and give us a program of services from which you’ll actually graduate!

Healing from the inside out…

Get the support you need for success.

Through therapy, learn how to be-friend your anxiety and depression. Learn how you can make healthier choices for yourself.

Find clarity and power from within.

Through yoga and meditation, form a new relationship with your anxiety and depression. You’ll learn how to accept it and moving away from resistance. “What are my negative, scary feelings trying to teach me or show me right now.”

Live your authentic self.

Release the repressed emotions. Everything that is happening to you is for your personal growth.

Reaching out for help is a brave step!

Reaching out for help is hard, especially therapy. It’s daunting, scary, nerve-racking… you name it!

What a wake-up call – realizing that you can’t solve all your problems alone and need extra help. Reaching out for help is bold and marks a turning point in your life. You’ve already accomplished the first step by coming here and looking for help.

The next step is setting up a appointment to get on the path of healing, solving your problems, taking control of your life.

Are you ready to transform your life?

If you are ready to take charge of your life, make changes, and looking to work with a therapist or yoga teacher, then hurry up and make a therapy appointment: (248) 962-3329!

During our session, we will learn more about what you are looking for help with, tell you a bit about how therapy &/or private yoga, our yoga workshops go and let you ask some questions to determine if we are a good fit to help you!

Schedule an appointment now!