How Can You Meet Someone Without Using Online Dating Methods?

by Oct 3, 2022625 comments

When you think about your future, it may involve a partner—that person you have a once-in-a-lifetime connection with. Perhaps you daydream of a meet-cute at the grocery store or at the gym, but find that it doesn’t work like that in reality. More and more, you’re hearing about dating apps and online matchmaking.

How are you supposed to find that special someone through a computer or phone screen? For many, the idea of online dating may feel insincere. You may be the type of person who thrives on those in-person connections.

That’s okay! You can still meet people in person, even in our increasingly digital lifestyle.

Here’s how you can meet someone without using online dating methods.

Change Up Your Routine

Changing up your routine can be the perfect way to meet someone new. When you get stuck in a routine, there’s a good chance you’re surrounding yourself with the same people day after day. Grab a coffee at a new coffee shop. Try a new bar or restaurant with friends. Try out a new workout class at a studio you’ve been wanting to try. Getting yourself out of your routine may be exactly what you need for a chance at finding someone.

To make things a little easier, try thinking about the type of person you’re looking for. If you’re looking for someone who cares about their health and fitness, try going to some new workout classes. If you want to meet someone who loves dogs as much as you do, take your pup on more walks or go to more dog parks in your area.

Pursue Your Hobbies

Now is the perfect time to go after some of those hobbies you’ve been putting off. Not only will it fill up your cup or cross some items off your bucket list, but it’s also a great way to meet people with similar interests that you have.

If you want to help others, start volunteering for an organization you’re passionate about. If you love music, try attending more concerts or festivals. Is art calling your name? Check out museums or art galleries where you live.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Pay attention to how you may appear to other people. For example, if you’re in a coffee shop with headphones in staring at your phone or computer screen, you may be giving off the vibe that you don’t want to be bothered. Even if this may be the case, this is going to make it harder to find someone. Be open and act like you’re open to meeting new people.

Push yourself a little more by starting conversations with people. Whether you’re waiting in line or stuck at a crosswalk waiting for traffic, communication is one of the first steps toward building a relationship. Compliment someone on their outfit. Make a remark about the weather. Start small and work your way up to a larger conversation.

Most importantly, try to work through rejection and try not to fear it. Part of dating is exploratory! It’s okay if some connections fall short. You won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, just like everyone isn’t yours, either. Everyone has their own preferences, yourself included.

Have Fun

Lastly, remember why you’re doing this in the first place. Try to have fun. It may seem scary at first, but getting out of your comfort zone will only bring you new opportunities and possibilities. You may even make new lifelong friends along the way.

If you need a little extra push to work through some of the anxiety you may face with dating, reach out to us today to set up an appointment 248-962-3329.

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